Music from Frozen 2 Appreciation Post

6 min readDec 16, 2019


Kids who saw Frozen in 2013 are probably watching the news or social media timeline learning about what happened in other parts of the world or working their butt off for better future. Some are doing TikTok for fun. They were the huge part of why “Let It Go” was a massive hit. We can’t deny that “Let It Go” still got us feeling some type of way so let’s admit it — it is the soundtrack of the decade (beside “Shallow”, for more mature audience). It will not retire anytime soon because of the impact that it has to not only adults but also children. The ability to make us all on a grip just for a couple of minutes.

Then came Frozen 2. Many might expect the film to produce another hit song. It did produce amazing yet another chart-topping song. I will be sharing my thoughts on how incredible some songs in the sequel are.

“Lost in the Woods” was a nice homage to 80s soft rock/ballad. That kind of music just does despair and agony pretty well especially for a guy. Groffsauce sounded really well and what else could we ask more from the only full song he would ever get in Frozen. Flash news, Little Shop of Horror is going to have a cast recording soon so expect more Jonathan Groff in your playlist.

“Into the Unknown” has been beautifully explained by Kristen-Anderson and Bobby for multiple times in many interviews. They have mentioned that the song represents how Elsa struggles to sleep (or as adult calls it, insomnia), the discomfort for hearing the random voice that no one else hears that she’s got to wake up and tries to follow the voice. It also shows how she is anxious that she is not doing enough as a queen. (Yes, anxiety is represented).

Then she learns that probably the voice is feeling the same way as her — that she has somewhere else to be so she can feel okay. Apart from lyrics, what is notable from the song is the key changes.

Key change in music, modulation, usually introduces a new feeling. Some famous modulation in songs are “Love on Top”, “Man in the Mirror”, or “I Have Nothing”. The key change from Verse 3 to Pre-chorus happens after Elsa finally embraces and follows the voice. She is no longer scared going but instead excited to go into the unknown. She asks the voice to show her where she should go.

“The Next Right Thing” was really amazing 180 degrees turn from Anna’s naive “Love is an Open Door” and “For the First Time”. For the umpteenth times, she faces yet another challenge however she stumbles upon what is probably her biggest decision to take. Before the situation goes sour, she had an exchange with Pabbie, where he advised “when one can see no future, all one can do is to do the next right thing.”

Moments later, she had a conversation with Lieutenant Mattias where she asked him if he ever missed something. Mattias answered his father, who taught him to never take the good for granted — “Be prepared. Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you onto a new path….Don’t give up. Take it one step at a time, and…” then Anna continued his words, “…just do the next right thing?”

She got it. She learned. We get to hear Kristen Bell’s soprano being utilized really well.

Now. Saving the best for last. My favorite of all the songs.

It is that one song, that just ugh.

“Show Yourself” is the climatic song that really shows Elsa’s journey. It is the “Let It Go” version of the sequel, instead of “Into the Unknown”. I do get why this was not released prior to the opening night because it literally has Elsa’s mum singing, to make us wonder if she was actually in the ship accident. Beside, the song is not exclusively Elsa’s solo.

I do not know many Disney film songs that are structured with themes for the entire film. “All is Found”, the song that starts the film (or the story), is alluded in “Show Yourself”.

(Left) “All is Found” | (Right) “Show Yourself”

Elsa remembers the song that Queen Iduna used to sing for her, and the song basically lays a foundation for what she has to do next — she has to go and find the answer in the “river full of memory”, the Ahtohallan, as the water can actually store memories, especially about Elsa. She walks in, wondering what is there, how will she find the answer, even whether the answer is actually there.

(Left) “All is Found” | (Right) “Show Yourself”

She enters deeper knowing that she will find answers anyway but she has to be brave. So she no longer trembles and shows confidence that indeed the place has the answer. As she goes deeper, she sees more and more until it all comes down to the moment of truth.

The bridge in the song happens to be when the choir starts to sing “All is Found”. This part already gave me chills — I was thinking the film would not get any better. The water memory shows Queen Iduna, singing the song — “come, my darling, homeward bound,” to her as lullaby. Then Elsa exclaimed that she is found, with tears of joy seeing her mother. Her mother told Elsa that she can find all the answer there — which she finally does. She has been asking for the voice to reveal itself but actually, she is the one who has to reveal herself . She is right where she has to.

(Left) “All is Found” | (Right) “Show Yourself”

The song, especially with how the scene was animated to carry the story forward, is that one song that just give you that satisfaction that everything comes to a full circle — all is revealed. It hits right in the feels. She is no longer lost and she has her mother “watching” her discover and accept that. If I only have 30 seconds to live, I would love to see (or feel) that. This to me, is the best part.

You are what you are looking for all of your life.

Sure it feels like a cliche but aren’t some good things in life the things that we crave because we see how good they make others feel?

Also, can we appreciate how beautiful Elsa after she transforms to become the fifth spirit? She let her hair down. She let it go.

She transforms (into lesbian Jesus, like, she walks on water, or freeze it whatever)

Gah. I have never felt this way about the whole soundtrack. I usually love a couple of songs. I remember crying my heart out listening to “Beauty and the Beast”, “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” or “Go the Distance”. But never got to fully understand the gravity of the whole album. Bobby and Kristen-Anderson did very amazing and really looking forward to seeing more of their work in the new Disney era, as I believe they will be the one to help define it. We will still get to keep Alan Menken as legend.

And what’s up with Idina Menzel? She has anthems for girls empowerment. “Take Me or Leave Me”. “Defying Gravity”. “Let It Go”. That woman is blessed to have blessed other girls with with tool to help them find their strengths.

The plot of the movie is very predictable but it is a nice departure from where it left us six years ago. The characters grow, so do we. Good luck to those who have yet to overcome their fears, so you can show your whole self.

Cheers to the end of year soon.




Written by Owren

Straying. Pathfinding. Exploring my curiosities 🦉 Dumping thoughts or what could have been one of those /takes/ on the 🐦 app. Hope stories can help though.

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