How dare you cross the lines

5 min readNov 29, 2022


“Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung.”
Automatic guns are easily available in the U.S. because they value the amendment. The French government bans full-face covering because it is not egalitarian. Native Americans are forced to assimilate into other cultures and uphold the values of people who stole their lands. The Taliban took over a city and they ruled out that girls should not be educated.

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
If the locals drink alcohol, so should you. On the beach, it’s mandatory to wear a bikini. You can’t have white rice or have to use chopsticks. When you pass by someone on the street, it’s okay to be catcalled or harassed. We dump garbage anywhere, why bother cleaning or putting it in a bin? When child rape and domestic abuse seem to be normalized here; reports that lead to nowhere, it’s okay to…

…see what happens when we put these proverbs in every literal context, especially in the argument regarding (or disregarding) people’s humanity? In what way that should work and cannot work? What does it mean to respect the culture, values, or rules? When does it get convenient and when it calls for a protest from miles away? Does one presence automatically negate the other? No coexistence? Which one should we give in or give up? When do we conform and when does it get uncomfortable or unnecessary? Should we just stay idle when there’s a rule that will treat you as a different lower being, put aside your human rights, or your physical being in danger? It just gotta be your everything: your vision, your opinion. Otherwise, it threatens you.

Put yourself and the others whom you are so afraid of on the street here, who got pointed at first. Who’s most likely to suffer, or die? Is this a trend, is it cool for people to do what you despise, aggravating you so you need to fight them back?

You are bad.
You’re wrong.
You’re nothing.
You’re a failure.
You’re immoral.
You’re excluded.
You’re abnormal.
You scare us all.
You can’t do this.
You can’t do that.
You should leave.
You are a mistake.
You know nothing.
You can’t live here.
You have no value.
You embarrass us.
You can’t live here.
You are a disgrace.
You are ungrateful.
You are not human.
You should just die.
You waste our time.
You don’t deserve it.
You are not accepted.
You don’t belong here.
You belong elsewhere.
You deserve a beating.
You should be punished.
You are a terrible person.
You bring shame to us all.
You tarnish our reputation.
You are the downfall of society.
You are the collapse of humanity.
You must not argue because I’ve made up my mind.
You cannot say anything else because I enforce this on you.

Why would they want to go through that ordeal or wish for more people to experience what they’ve gone through?

Do you want people to acknowledge your fears? What are you so afraid of? Who are you protecting yourself from? What is this impending doom that you talk about, when the economy and environment are in imminent danger; when women and children’s futures are still bleak, which we should fight together? What are we supposed to do with our neighbors? And how do you propose to get rid of your fears? When you were younger, did someone just swoop in and eliminate the thing that you’re frightened of? Is that what you’re used to? Why not face it head-on?

With one meeting, one sentence, one declaration, and one first throw, you could have an entire group wiped out of existence. It has happened for many times throughout the history of human’s conquest for power and eliminating threats. What’s stopping you from doing that?

What makes you feel like you’re about to be overthrown, put in jail, or treated with malice, that you need to defend yourself? To this day, the government’s stance and the majority are still unsupportive; outright discriminating even, toward minority groups: you name it. Why would someone dare to be more visible? And you are the one being wronged, the ones in distress?

Does the threat come from someone else minding their own businesses? Who’s more likely to be painted in a negative way for a political campaign; who’s lived through the horror.

When have you felt victimized by an action or word? Have ever been told any of these, is it you who have faced vile comments?

You are bad.
You’re wrong.
You’re nothing.
You’re a failure.
You’re immoral.
You’re abnormal.
You scare us all.
You can’t do this.
You can’t do that.
You should leave.
You are excluded.
You are a mistake.
You know nothing.
You can’t live here.
You have no value.
You embarrass us.
You can’t live here.
You are a disgrace.
You are ungrateful.
You are not human.
You should just die.
You waste our time.
You don’t deserve it.
You are not accepted.
You don’t belong here.
You belong elsewhere.
You deserve a beating.
You should be punished.
You are a terrible person.
You bring shame to us all.
You tarnish our reputation.
You are the downfall of society.
You are the collapse of humanity.
You must not argue because I’ve made up my mind.
You cannot say anything else because I enforce this on you.

I believe, on any day, you can walk free; preach, and do whatever you want. You can blend in. You can stand out, and be looked up to, by saying what others would agree upon. Heaven forbids anyone who says a different thing. Let’s not accept people who dare to say otherwise. Someone can’t enforce anything on you but you make yourself the exception: you can enforce what you believe on others, so we should take it. It’s your world, not mine.

A world where some of us have got to think that

I’m bad.
I’m wrong.
I’m nothing.
I’m a failure.
I’m immoral.
I’m abnormal.
I scare you.
I can’t do this.
I can’t do that.
I should leave.
I am excluded.
I am a mistake.
I know nothing.
I can’t live here.
I have no value.
I embarrass you.
I can’t live here.
I am a disgrace.
I am ungrateful.
I am not human.
I should just die.
I waste your time.
I don’t deserve it.
I am not accepted.
I don’t belong here.
I belong elsewhere.
I deserve a beating.
I should be punished.
I’m a terrible person.
I bring shame to you all.
I tarnish our reputation.
I am the downfall of society.
I am the collapse of humanity.
I must not argue because you’ve made up yourmind.
I cannot say anything else because you enforce this on me.

I understand that you want to live a peaceful live, feel safe in your own world, surrounded by people who respect you, pursue a personal, professional, or spiritual goal. I am sure everything you do is meaningful to you, and a beautiful thing to have. You are a kind person who protects yourself, your family, and the legacy of the society with all your might. Bear the name of good intention, passing along the hard-earned wisdom. You should not be wounded. So I better not cross the line.




Written by Owren

Straying. Pathfinding. Exploring my curiosities 🦉 Dumping thoughts or what could have been one of those /takes/ on the 🐦 app. Hope stories can help though.

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